Author: mikewire

  • Installing Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon Edition on VMware

    One of the best things about having a home lab is the having ability to try things out. I mean, variety is the spice of life, right? Well today, I’m going to try out Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon Edition – you can read about it and download it here: Linux Mint and the install instructions…

  • Renaming virtual machine files using Storage vMotion

    So, you renamed a virtual machine in vSphere, and now the containing folder and associated VM files don’t match the new name of the virtual machine. Can that be changed? Yes – vSphere makes that task very easy utilizing Storage vMotion. First off, be sure to reference this KB for all the information needed: Renaming…

  • VMware ESXi Host Profiles

    Using host profiles with ESXi hosts with version 7 So…why would I want to use host profiles? The answer is, easier administration, easier management, and easier troubleshooting and avoidance of configuration drift. Many times in my career, I have seen examples of misconfiguration of incomplete host configurations with items like NTP. Miss one of those…

  • Configure VMware Tools repository using the vSphere API

    Here’s a good one for y’all…I’m going to walk thought how to update the location for VMware Tools (a.k.a. the Product Locker) and change/update it, without rebooting your ESXi host. You may ask, “why would you want to do that??” Well, the main use case would be to centralize the repository and installation files of…

  • Using esxtop and sending output logs to CSV

    Continuing from the previous blog about using esxtop to monitor ESXi processes, let’s take a look at how to export esxtop logs to CSV. Here’s the official KB on how to use and leverage export logs to CSV: If you’re wondering how to view syntax and commands, it’s easy, just type “esxtop -h” to…

  • Using esxtop to monitor ESXi processes

    Using the top utility is pretty awesome. I’ve used top for years on *nix boxes, both at home and on the job to monitor and troubleshoot system performance and issues. What’s really cool, is that ESXi has it’s own version of top installed called “esxtop”. Here’s a link to the official doc on how to…

  • Use “esxcli software vib” commands in ESXi hosts

    Recently I was asked how to list out all the VIB/drivers installed on an ESXi 7.0 host. This can be easily done with the “esxcli software vib” command. But first, you may ask “what is a VIB?” It’s one of VMware’s many TLA’s (three-letter-acronyms) that stands for vSphere Installation Bundle. Think of it like a…

  • VMware vSphere virtual distributed switch & (VDS) enabling NetFlow

    vSphere: Wondering how to enable NetFlow in VMware vSphere? Well, it’s pretty easy – you’ll need to have your collector up a running (I’m using ManageEngine’s NetFlow Analyzer trial for testing purposes From there, let’s get into setting up NetFlow in the virtual distributed switch (VDS). In vSphere, click on the Network icon (#1),…

  • Enhanced Authentication Plug-in (EAP) and Chrome v105+

    Do you use Chrome (v105+) with Windows and have been having recent issues using the Enhanced Authentication Plug-in (EAP) when logging in to vSphere? Well, now there’s a fix. Here’s a link to the KB: The Enhanced Authentication Plug-in (EAP) stops functioning in Google Chrome versions 105 and above. (90333) ( Yep, I’m running v109.0.5414.75…

  • VMware vSphere CVE-2018-3646 mitigation on a new ESXi host

    I reinstalled ESXi v7U3 on a new host in my home lab today and saw this notification below the summary information after adding it to my datacenter & cluster: So, OK – I recognize this. The error/information warning is for the administrators notice to address CVE-2018-3646 (, which according to the CVE: “…may allow unauthorized…

  • vSphere VM CPU reservation settings

    Let’s talk a little bit about VM CPU reservations. I recently had a question about reserving X number of CPU’s for a VM, which was required for a vendor specific virtual machine for some software that was being installed on a server. So, what exactly is a CPU reservation? To put it simply, a reservation…

  • VMware Update 7.0U3i…and more

    VMware Patch Update 7.0U3i